donderdag 31 juli 2008

Het einde van de mensheid!

In deze video vertelt Stephen Petranek over 10 manieren waarop we als mensheid 't loodje kunnen leggen.

Number 10: We lose the will to survive.
-Give us insurance for mental health
-Advanced psychoactive drugs

Number 9: Aliens Invade Earth
-Get the State Department working on a plan to meet, greet, and negotiate with an advanced species
-Become an outward-looking, space-faring nation

Number 8: The Ecosystem Collapses
-Spend more money modeling ecosystems
-Create huge biodiversity reserves

Number 7: Particle Accelerator Mishap
-Create an independent board of scientists to oversee accelerator experiments
-Study natural high-energy physics first

Number 6 -- Biotech Disaster
-Treat biotechnology with the same security scrutiny we apply to nuclear engineering

Number 5 -- Reversal of the Earth's Magnetic Field
-Replenish Earth's ozone layer

Number 4: Giant solar flares
-Start terraforming Mars now

Number 3 -- A New Global Epidemic
-Outlaw antibiotics for farm animals and farmed fish
-Get serious about our public health system

Number 2 -- We Meet a Rogue Black Hole
-Hurry up that search for another earth-like planet

Number 1 -- A Really Big Asteroid Heads For Earth
-Ramp up NASA's search for asteroids with our name on them
-Figure out how to blow up an asteroid or alter its trajectory